Patterns and targets

We use a hybrid approach to specifying input and output patterns for Snakemake rules. These are used in the RNA-seq and ChIP-seq workflows.


Patterns are filename-like strings with placeholders in them, like this:


Generally you don’t need to modify them (though you can). The patterns file is useful as a guide to the files that are created by the workflow.

  • RNA-seq patterns are in workflows/rnaseq/config/rnaseq_patterns.yaml

  • ChIP-seq patterns are in workflows/chipseq/config/chipseq_patterns.yaml


The metadata (sample names, peak-calling runs) configured in the sample table and config file are used to fill in the patterns to create the targets. It’s the equivalent of a complicated expand() call in a standard Snakefile.

If we had 2 samples, A and B, then filling in the pattern:


would result in:


How patterns and targets are used in Snakefiles


  • Each Snakefile has access to an object, c.

  • Patterns are accessed via the c.patterns dictionary. The structure of c.patterns matches that of the patterns file. Patterns still have the {} placeholders as written in that file.

  • Targets are accessed via the c.targets dictionary. The structure matches that of c.patterns, but the placeholders are filled in based on other configuration information such that each single string from patterns may turn into a list after being filled in using the snakemake.expand() function.

  • We can collapse arbitrary groups of patterns or targets together into a flattened list with lib.utils.flatten().

Here is an example rule that uses patterns and targets from the c object:

rule all:

rule cutadapt:

        'cutadapt {input} -o {output}'

In the example above, c.patterns['fastq'] and c.patterns['cutadapt'] have the following values, configured in config/rnaseq_patterns.yaml:

# data/rnaseq_samples/{sample}/{sample}_R1.fastq.gz

# data/rnaseq_samples/{sample}/{sample}_R1.cutadapt.fastq.gz

And c.targets[['cutadapt'] might have the following values, after being filled in with the sample table (see below for details):

# data/rnaseq_samples/sample1/sample1_R1.cutadapt.fastq.gz
# data/rnaseq_samples/sample1/sample2_R1.cutadapt.fastq.gz
# data/rnaseq_samples/sample1/sample3_R1.cutadapt.fastq.gz
# data/rnaseq_samples/sample1/sample4_R1.cutadapt.fastq.gz

This has several advantages:

  • Patterns can be automatically filled in by the sample table and config file, so the workflow is largely controlled by a TSV file and a YAML file.

  • Storing filenames outside individual Snakefiles allows us to access them much more easily from other Snakefiles or downstream scripts.

  • Writing aggregation rules is much easier. For example, instead of lots of expand() calls, we can get all the FastQC output across raw, trimmed, and aligned runs with flatten(c.targets["fastqc"]).

  • Toggling entire sections of the workflow can be performed by changing a single line in the first all rule.

  • We can re-organize the output directories only by editing the patterns file – no need to touch the Snakefile.

  • It’s easier to understand the output locations of files by looking at the patterns file than it is to scroll through a Snakefile.

  • Letting the c objects do the work of filling in patterns allows complex work to be abstracted away, resulting in simpler Snakefiles. For example, filling in the output BED files across many arbitrary-named configured peak-calling runs gets complicated, but since this is handled transparently by the c object, we can do things like utils.flatten(c.targets['peaks']) to get all the BED files for all peak-callers and all peak-calling runs.

See also

For more details, the code is the authoritative source.

In particular:

In addition, the figures Snakefile demonstrates how the ChIP-seq and RNA-seq patterns and targets can be used for downstream work.