.. _guide: Guide to file hierarchy ======================= The ``lcdb-wf`` workflow system is designed to have a standardized directory structure and file hierarchy to allow us to be as consistent across many diverse and disparate analyses and sources of data and reduce the overhead when it comes to troubleshooting when something goes wrong. All the components of the repository are laid out with this overarching design principle in mind. Below we give a high-level overview and brief description of the files and folders used by the workflows, and include an annotated directory tree highlighting the most important parts of the repository. Folder organization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The top level of the repo looks like this: :: [1] ├── ci/ [2] ├── docs/ [3] ├── include/ [4] ├── lib/ [5] ├── README.md [6] ├── requirements-non-r.txt [7] ├── requirements-r.txt [8] ├── workflows/ [9] └── wrappers/ 1. ``ci`` contains infrastructure for continuous integration testing. You don't have to worry about this stuff unless you're actively developing `lcdb-wf`. 2. ``docs/`` contains the source for documentation. You're reading it. 3. ``include/`` has miscellaneous files and scripts that can be used by all workflows. Of particular note is the ``WRAPPER_SLURM`` script (see :ref:`cluster` for more) and the ``reference_configs`` directory (see :ref:`references` and :ref:`config` for more). 4. ``lib/`` contains Python modules used by the workflows. 5. ``README.md`` contains top-level info. 6. ``requirements-non-r.txt`` contains the package dependencies needed to run the workflows, and is used to set up a conda environment. 7. ``requirements-r.txt`` contains the package dependencies for R and various Bioconductor packages used in downstream analysis. See :ref:`conda-envs` for the rationale for splitting these. 8. ``workflows/`` contains one directory for each workflow. Each workflow directory contains its own ``Snakefile`` and configuration files. We go into more detail in the next section. 9. ``wrappers/`` contains Snakemake `wrappers `_, which are scripts that can use their own independent environment. See :ref:`wrappers` for more. Below, you can see a detailed overview of the files contained in these folders. Annotated tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is an annotated directory tree of the ``lcdb-wf`` repository to help orient you. Hover over files for a tooltip description; click a file to view the most recent version on GitHub. Files in bold are the most important. .. raw:: html















































































Now that you have seen which files and folders are the most important and have some idea of where everything lives, let's look at how to run tests to make sure everything is set up correctly (see :ref:`running-the-tests`), or jump right in to learning about how to configure the workflows for your particular experiment (see :ref:`config`).